Friday 30 March 2012


This shot was taken in the abandoned house in pembury, it was the perfect place for this particular scene to be filmed as it is quiete a dark, eerie, and depressing setting which was ideal for this clip. The house and the way in which the scene was filmed it all signifies how the character is feeling.
We had to be careful which classroom to use in school as we wanted the room to look more like an office than a classroom. Even thoug we have a shot from the school area we are trying to avoid using to much filming within the school as the area is very familiar and limits you to what you can express in each film clip and scene.


The first shot i am going to describe is the first shot to be showed in our trailer. The shot was taken from a hot air balloon looking over the countryside. The reason this clip was used is because it is the perfect scenary for where are main character lives. We where very lucky to be able to have this shot at our disposal, the reason is, is because earlier on in the year Jack Welch was in a hot air balloon and manage to film are openign shot.
Many of our shots were taken at Jeremey Razzells house, this is because it set the perfect scene for where we imagined are movie to be set. There was also other places such as the woods which was idea for further filming. In the shot on the "right" it expresses well that the area is secluded. Also by there being a worn down old garage in the shot that also helps to portray the emphasis that it is meant to be a really isolated and secluded home.