Friday 27 January 2012

Monthly Diary

Monthly Diary 24/9/2011

During the past week, we have focus mainly on producing a plan for our main coursework trailer. We have already produced a practice trailer which was called Big Fat Sweaty Coppers which was a success. I devised a PowerPoint presentation to class which involved not only clips from our practice trailer but our plan of are new Trailer; we made the plan through the use of video clips to give the audience a good idea of how the trailer will pan out.
In presenting this to the class it is a good use of audience feedback, we got their views on trailer and what we could improve and whether we could just get it to work. The feedback was all round very good. The audience seemed very excited with our idea and thought that the storyline was very convincing. The negative feedback was mainly about the use of cars as we where planning on using a car more often but in the end we decided against using it. This is a benefit to audience feedback.


During this month we had half term between the 24th and the 31st. We didn’t have any lesson as it was half term this allowed us plenty of time to film the basic outline of our trailer and compose the first draft. We created the trailer by using and following the film schedule. But we didn’t manage to stick to the schedule and got behind. This is a negative factor to our trailer as being behind schedule means there is less time to edit, and editing is a very important part of the trailers outcome.


This month is very similar to last month as we are working to get the filming of the clips needed finish so we can get ready to start editing within a week’s time. We managed to get around 20-25 different clips where we need to pick a variety of the best ones for our trailer. The locations of our clips vary from being filmed just outside school to a farm in sevenoaks. This is positive as it shows a range of different clips from different locations. The trailers have to be finished by the 16th of December; this allows us just over 2 weeks to produce our edited final piece. We aim for our trailer to be just over 2 mins 30 sec.


This month has been a good month with us finishing our trailer and posting it up on Facebook and YouTube. With it being on these sharing sites it allowed us to receive a lot of audience feedback which in turn was very positive. In this month also, we have had a few clips to improve such as the running scene. Also there was a clip of us in the abandoned house this was a very effective clip but unfortunately we had to edit the clip due to there being a shadow against a wall of the camera man which was Jack Welch at this time in the production of the trailer, but it changed throughout.


In this month I’m looking at creating our posters and magazine covers for our trailer. At this current time i am looking at doing some research on films similar to ours such as the Bourne films (Bourne identity, Bourne ultimatum) This is very important as it will give me an idea of what is needed on the front cover to make the genre most effective to our target audience. I also need to take a few action photos for the cover and the poster. They have to be good photos to really show the importance of the storyline in Betrayal and Retribution.

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