Friday 24 February 2012

Screen Shots: Possible Magazine and poster covers

One of these pictures are a possiblity for my poster and magazine cover for Betrayal and Retribution.
They all have a meaning and are excellent shots for the magazine and poster, i have to consider what meaning each picture portrays as i need a strong and meaningful imagine to be displayed on the front of the magazine and poster.
This imagine shows jeremy razzell using binoculas. This imagine has many meanings as it could be portrayed that he is searching for somethings, which in the Trailor he is looking for his son. Also it shows that he is dedicated and very motivated in his mission to find his son. This is seen through him using equipent (binoculas).

 This is imagine shows one of the kidnappers holding a gun. This is a strong, bold imagine to use on the cover as it is not only a powerful imagine but gives you an insite into what sort of film it is without having to read about it. I also like this clip because it gives an insight into the film withoout giving away the storyline.

 This imagine shows a friend shouting and expressing his feelings about the situation his friend is in. The imagine has some good reason for it to be used as it is a strong imagine, but there isn't enough natural emotion shown for it to be on the front of a magazine or poster. The imagine doesnt let the target audience imagine and wonder what the story is about.

 This is am imagine showing the character in his normal life before his life gets turned up side down. If this imagine was to be used it would have to be backed up by another stronger picture.

 This imagine shows his son alex being taken away, this imagine is a possibility as there are great meaning to the picture and the story is based around the event taking place in this imagine.

 This imagine shows the father in a state of panic over the death of his wife and the struggle to find his son. Just like the other photo it couldnt be on its own as it doesnt portray enough meaning and power but with a secondary photo it is a possiblity.

 An imagine of a gun is always a powerful shot, as a weapon does hold a lot of power and strength . It is a nice shot to have as people like actiona and it backs up that it is am action movie.

 This Screen shot has a lot of power and meaning as it shows him running with a weapon this Portrays him trying to retreave his son. It shows a lot power as he is a strong willing man. Also as he is holding a gun it shows that he has experience with these weapons and that he isnt an ordinary man.

This imagine doesnt have enough on its own but with another imagine to anchor a strong meaing it would be a nice shot as it shows the father and son together and how they have a good relatonship.

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