Sunday 29 April 2012

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

After producing our movie trailer, we were given a task to produce a poster and a magazine front cover. This was done to promote our film.  As the encoder of these media texts I thought it was important to make sure I kept the target audience in mind when producing the media texts. I had to make sure that my magazine and poster attract are specific target audience for our genre and create it so it makes people want to watch the film. I produced the two ancillary texts after we had created the film trailer, this meant that I was able to intertextually link certain images, themes, and genre so that the decoder will be able to recognise the Action/ thriller.

When creating the film trailer, poster and magazine cover I made sure I there were clear links between the three media texts. All three of the texts have the title in it “betrayal & Retribution” this is a significant part of each of the texts.  The poster I constructed had screen shots from the actually movie trailer in it. This is important as it created links to the trailer and the poster. I had the images in the wheel of a gun. This created a type of montage of pictures in a gun which helped emphasis the fact that it was an action/ thriller and gave the decoders an idea into what the movie is like.  Also by using these montages it gave the audience a chance to connect with the film for example when they are watching the film they will recognise clips from the poster.  I used codes and conventions this is so the decoder of each media text will be able to clearly understand what each media text is meant to make.  The bold title of the film Betrayal & retribution is pushed to the front of the screen. This is done by graphics on the computer. Which is also helps to catch the audiences eye. This is the same title which links all three media texts together by anchoring the images through the use of repetition of texts.

The reason we created these ancillary tasks is because it is meant to support our trailer and give the film some sort of promotion and advertising behind it. 

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