Sunday 29 April 2012

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

It is very important to complete some sort of audience feedback; this is because by receiving audience feedback it is helping to create a successful media text, which your decoders would want to purchase.  By holding a number of audience feedback sessions, I was able to gain advice about how to improve my work from start to finish.  Audience feedback is even very important at the highest level of producing films. Producers hold small cinema screenings to small audiences to gain feedback and ensure audience interest within the specific target audience.

We showed our draft to the class and received feedback on our basic outline of what our trailer is going to be based on. We received feedback on setting, plot, costume and characters. As we hadn’t fully developed our ideas at this point the audience feedback helped us edited are plot as it was said to of been “done a lot.”

We have an interview from Betty giving us feedback on our initial idea. This was a benefit to us as we could take the advice on board. We had changed are plot because of this feedback to his (Mark Steele) son being kidnapped and the challenges he has to go through to get his son back.  Also to receive some audience feedback we did a presentation of are idea to the class. The presentation including any clips we had shot for our new trailer and just our ideas we had come up with.  This helped us with things such as characters costumes. 

Social network sites allowed us to be able to receive audience feedback from a wide range of people mainly between the age of 16-20 as this is the average age group of my friends on Facebook meaning this group of people were able to view and comment on our trailer. We had feedback from many people saying "i would definitely watch that..... if the ending hadn't been revealed by the trailer." This is a fair comment as in the trailer it does show Mark Steele being reunited with his son. 

Also we had uploaded this trailer to YouTube, this recieve 224 views and numerous comments. by having on this website it allows people to like and dislike the clip giving us a good indication of how popular it is and weather the  quality of filming and acting was of a higher enough standard. 

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