Sunday 29 April 2012

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout these stages of developing my media texts I used a number of types of technology, these included Television, Digital SLR Camera, Photoshop, IMovie. Technology has been one of the most important part of produces this project. It has allowed us to be able to improve are Trailer in many ways and also create a magazine cover and a poster to an effective and eye catching way. Technology has helped us to anchor images to the text in turn meaning we can effectively aim are media texts at our target audience.  YouTube was also used as an important site to upload our trailer. Facebook was also used to upload our trailer to; these are great sites as they allowed us to receive audience feedback the media texts.

When producing these media texts I needed to do a lot research before hand to understand the most effective way of filming a trailer. The Internet was a huge resource for information. I used the Internet to view other trailers and clips from movies to give me a greater understand of the codes and conventions of our trailer. Without the internet and YouTube clips I would have struggled to know what needs to be involved in our media trailer, and how to make it a successful trailer which appeals to our target audience.
When making our trailer there were aspects which I found challenging such as the use of software to edit our trailer but other aspects which I found a lot more second nature. For example the camera was very simple to use. The camera was touch screen, which made it a lot easier to move through videos and track down the right clip from the many on the SD card.  The stand, which we used, was a very simple but effective tool. It allowed us to film shots from a steady angle and improves picture quality compared to if you were using the camera free hand.

When filming we used the Nikon D3100. This is a very good camera to use for what we wanted to do as it had all the important technological aspects to it such as touch screen, fast shutter speed and many others. Also we were familiar with this camera as we had used it before for our practice trailer Big Fat Sweaty Coppers

We didn’t use the camera only for filming our media trailers. It was used to take photos for our magazines and posters. We did this by organizing a photo shoot which took place in various places inside and outside of school.  We managed to get some very effective photos for what we were looking to portray.  In our front covers and posters. For my magazine front cover I wanted to have a strong image on the front to attract the audience. There is three pictures of Jeremy razzell, (the main protagonist in the trailer) he is holding a gun in one of the photos, this emphasizes that the genre is action/ thriller and lets the audience into a taste of what the movie is about and how much action is in the movie without viewing the trailer. But I had to make sure not give too much away from the magazine. The poster is expresses different things compared to the magazine. I have used a gun wheel and added a screen shot from the trailer into each bullet holder. I believe this Is a good design for a poster as it not only looks eye catching and interesting it makes the decoder want to take an interest in the film as it gets the decoder imaging what the storyline is about.

When constructing my magazine cover and poster I decided to use Photoshop rather than the recommended Corel Draw. This is because I have more experience with using Photoshop and it is a lot simpler to use as importing images into the software is a lot easier, adding text to images in an attempt to anchor images to the text is a lot easier and finally, the editing of images and enhancement of images is much more effective in Photoshop.

Blogger is the website we used to display all our work, I found this a very helpful site to use as it kept all your work organized and available to be looked at by anyone. This made it easy for my teacher to mark and evaluate my work. It also allowed other students to give feedback on our work for example our film trailers.  The website is a very modern website which is easy to use and to set up. All you need is a email address and password and the majority of people used there school email which made this very simple. 

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