Sunday 29 April 2012

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The encoder must ensure that he/she doesn’t alienate there decoder by not referring to the forms and conventions of the media products. When creating our film trailer, the genre we decided to stick to was Action thriller. We had to make sure we kept to this genre throughout as it is aimed at a particular audience and attract our “Target Audience”.

We decided to create a film trailer of this genre as it was a genre which we believe we can attract our target audience and it is the genre we know most about. There were many ways in which we made sure to portray that it was an action thriller. For example we used very fast screen changes to emphasis that he had to act fast and it increased tension, kept the viewers interested and made them interested in what happens and the outcome of the  story.  There were elements of film trailers which audiences expect to see; these include narrative, characters, dialogue, voice over’s, on screen graphics and music. We included all these techniques into our trailer in the view that it would encourage our audience to want to see our film. We looked at a number of other trailers to help give us a greater understanding of what would be beneficial to the trailer and little techniques and affects that could improve our trailer. We looked at shooter and The Bourne Supremacy.

Our Trailer is made up of a number of clips the first clips location is up in a hot air balloon. This shot was taken a while ago by Jack Welch. This is a great shot to have as it shows clearly a good example of the surrounding area and it represents an element of peace. This is important as it suggest that everything is fine and this current time in the film. In this clip there was also non - digetic sound present in the clip to help set a mood. We also used special effects and graphics to portray that it is an action thriller, we did this by having titles and other effects to build up tension and interest before the trailer had started. For example we called productions, “Spaced Out” Productions. This shown through special effects and moving screens at the start of the trailer. It is important to add these in as they help the audience to understand what the trailer is about and not get confused on the genre of the film. Also at the end of our trailer as it is coming to an end we publicize comments from magazine such as the telegraph. It is important in a film trailer to have reviews as this helps the audience to know whether they want to watch it. We did research on other trailers and came to the conclusion that there are many smaller things which are very important to the trailer and not a movie. We researched further into the genre action/thriller to gain a greater understanding of what we must include in our trailer. Some of the action/ thriller trailers we looked included shooter and The Bourne Identity. We came to the conclusion that  music is very important in a trailer and a movie but in a trailer it has to be used differently as you only have a short space of time to show all the emotions you need to evoke and tension that needs to be built. We also found out that music helps set the mood/ tone of each clip and helps the decoder to interpret the text much better.

The narrative of a film genre includes similar plots and structures. After we presented our pitch about our movie trailer we received some audience feedback, we also received audience feedback through Facebook, through this audience feedback it was suggested that our plot was done too much. Our plot was a man who had been framed for the murder of his wife and is therefore on the run from the police who he once worked for. We created a male protagonist to be the main character as through our research, we found out that many films like ours have a strong male protagonist to appeal to both male and female audience. Also by having a strong dominant lead role makes the plot a lot more realistic and believable. But this is a very common role to have in film genre Action/ thriller. It would of added a twist to the film if it was a female protagonist and goes against the typical stereotypes of a women.

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